Leqephe ha le a fumanwa
Leqephe le fanweng ha le a fumanwa. Lebaka e bile: %LEBAKA% URL e bile: https://sir2.euss.cat/simplesaml/module.php/theme-rediris/assets/vendor/vegas/vegas.min.js.map?language=stTlhahisoleseding ya debug
Tlhahisoleseding ya debug e ka tlase mona e ka nna ya kgahla motsamaisi / deske ya thuso:
SimpleSAML\Error\NotFound: The requested page 'https://sir2.euss.cat/simplesaml/module.php/theme-rediris/assets/vendor/vegas/vegas.min.js.map?language=st' could not be found. The URL wasn't found in the module.
Tlaleha diphoso
Ka moo o ka fumanang thuso
Mohlomong phoso ena e ka lebaka la boitshwaro bo itseng bo sa lebellwang kapa tlhophiso e fosahetseng ya SimpleSAMLphp. Ikopanye le motsamaisi wa tshebeletso ena ya ho kena, ebe o romela molaetsa wa phoso ka hodimo mona.